1. Beden ve Ruh
"Women and Their Body Feelings: from Assimilation to Self-confidence in Girls"
2 .Avrupa'yı birleştiriyor
Uniting Europe Through Lifelong Learning and Cuisine
3. Dansların Kardeşliği
Fellowship of Folk Dances
4. Kadınların güçlendirilmesi
Empowerment of Women - Innovative Approaches to Adult Education
5. Dayanışmayla güçlenelim
Let's Get Empowered with Solidarity
6. Bağimlı Olma Özgür Ol
Be Free To Be Connected Ol
7.Ben Kimim
Self-Confidence in girl- works
8. Kortizonla Yaşamı Yakala
Capture Life with Cortisone
9. Kontrol Sende
Control Send
10. Su ve Nesiller
Water and Generations
11. Su ve Nesiller
Water and Generations
Projects | 1. Beden ve Ruh |
"Women and Their Body Feelings: from Assimilation to Self-confidence in Girls" |
Projects | 2. Avrupa'yı birleştiriyor |
Uniting Europe Through Lifelong Learning and Cuisine |
Projects | 2. Avrupa'yı birleştiriyor |
Uniting Europe Through Lifelong Learning and Cuisine |
Projects | 3. Dansların Kardeşliği |
Fellowship of Folk Dances |
Projects | 4. Kadınların güçlendirilmesi |
Empowerment of Women - Innovative Approaches to Adult Education |
Projects | 4. Kadınların güçlendirilmesi |
Empowerment of Women - Innovative Approaches to Adult Education |
Projects | 5. Dayanışmayla güçlenelim |
Let's Get Empowered with Solidarity |
Projects | 6. Bağimlı Olma Özgür Ol |
Be Free To Be Connected Ol |
Projects | 7. Ben Kimim |
Self-Confidence in girl- works |
Projects | 8. Kortizonla Yaşamı Yakala |
Capture Life with Cortisone |
Projects | 9. Kontrol Sende |
Control Send |
Projects | 10. Su ve Barış |
Water and Peace |
Projects | 11. Su ve Nesiller |
Water and Generations |